Your stylecats® magazine:
All topics around stylecats® and cats

Discover useful articles, tips & tricks about your velvet paw, get insights into the stylecats® world & follow exciting stories in the stylecats® magazine.

Magazin Katze 2

Craft idea: DIY fun board for cats

Today's DIY tip is aimed at all creative cat owners who enjoy handicrafts and crafts: Get ideas for a homemade fun board.


Time with your pet - 5 tips for relaxation

Treat yourself and your furball to some time out and enjoy pure relaxation together. Not only you will benefit from the relaxing hours, but also your dog or cat will thank you for it.


Time with your cat - massage for relaxing

Cats are curious and lively, but they also need extensive periods of relaxation and will be happy if you give him time for a relaxing massage. Your pet will reward you with a pleasant purr when he is in the mood for a…


Feline rhinitis: a serious disease?

Cats also sneeze in between, that is no reason to worry. But what if the eyes tear and the nose runs constantly: Has your velvet paw caught a cold or does it suffer from cat cold? We inform you!


Acclimatising a cat: A successful start in the new home

You've waited a long time for this, and now the time has come: your cat is moving in! Whether it's a kitten or a second cat, we'll give you some tips on how to successfully get your new housemate settled in at home.


Catmint for cats: How the plant works

Your velvet paw really turns up when it comes into contact with catnip? We explain to you what effect the popular plant can have on your cat and when it provides you with valuable services.


Initial cat equipment: What you need

The joy is great: Soon at least one velvet paw will keep you company? What you need as initial equipment and what is also important for kittens and outdoor cats, you can find out in the article.


Recognize parasites in cats

Parasites are annoying pests that can also make life difficult for your velvet paw. We will explain to you which parasites infest cats, what to do and whether they can also be dangerous to you.


Keeping a cat alone: Yes or no?

Would you like to keep a cat or do you already have a house cat and are asking yourself whether it needs a companion? Here you will find all the information you need about single cats and keeping your cat alone.
