Cat guide

In our cat guide, you will find everything you need to know about keeping a cat, from the right cat food to tips on training and employment to health, care and hygiene for your cat.


Cat meows at night

Does your cat meow loudly at night and keep you awake with her monologue? We explain to you what causes meowing and explain what you can do about it.


Understanding Cat Language

It's a shame that cats don't understand our language – but how you can still communicate with your cat, you can find out in this article!


Exercise your cat

Exercising your cat properly is essential for their health and happiness. Find out everything you need to know and get tips on how to tire out your cat!


Change of teeth in cats

Cats don't get their strong and robust teeth from an early age - they go through three phases in their lives in which their dental apparatus changes. Find out more!


Leaving a Cat Alone

Work or leisure activities: There are many reasons why we have to leave our pets alone. It's possible with a cat! We explain what you need to know and how to train it with her.


Body language of cats

Our paws communicate with us every day - we just have to learn to interpret their signals correctly. We'll show you how to do this below!


Removing ticks from cats

Cats love forays through nature! But they can get ticks in the process. Since the pests can transmit diseases to your cat, you should remove them as soon as possible. We'll tell you how!


Games for cats

Regular play with your cat increases their well-being and your bond with each other. We have collected a variety of games for you!


Why do cats scratch?

Does your velvet paw sometimes scratch and sharpen its claws on you and your furniture? We explain the reasons for scratching, why it is so important for your cat and how you can control the scratching.
