Your stylecats® magazine:
All topics around stylecats® and cats

Discover useful articles, tips & tricks about your velvet paw, get insights into the stylecats® world & follow exciting stories in the stylecats® magazine.

Magazin Katze 2

Where to take your dog and cat on holiday?

Finally, a holiday in sight! But surfing lessons or pool holidays are best enjoyed without dog and cat? No problem: we'll show you where your four-legged friend can be lovingly cared for during your holiday.


Indoor cats: What to watch out for with house cats

If you decide to get a cat or a tomcat, there are a few other questions to consider, such as whether your cat will be allowed to go outside or whether it will remain an indoor cat.


Cat-proof home: how to protect your cuddly tiger

The time has finally come: your furry companion is about to move in! The most important thing for your animal flatmate is a safe haven.


Making the garden safe for cats - this is how it's done

A cosy spot in the sun, sandy beds to roll around in and bushes to hide in, lie in wait and stalk: A garden is a little paradise for velvet paws. If you want your indoor cat to have free access to your garden from time…


Outdoor cats: What you should know

Cats that can move freely outside and do what they feel like lead a fulfilled life. They arrive home balanced and content.


»Like dog and cat«? - How living together works well

»Are you a cat person or a dog person?« This question is often the first to be asked among animal lovers and ensures that the person opposite is immediately put into the appropriate drawer unconsciously. You surely know…


Craft idea: DIY cat toy - how it works

For the start of your cuddly weekend with your cat, we present a creative highlight for all cat owners: a DIY cat toy that you can make yourself quickly and easily.


Recipe: Make your own cat treats

Today we will bake spicy treats for your cat. Especially house cats, who want to be challenged again and again, can be motivated to play with these snacks. And the best thing is: It's a simple cup recipe - let's go!


Craft idea: DIY cat scratching tree - how it works

Today we have some suggestions how you can build a scratching tree for your house cat yourself. Depending on the design of the scratching furniture, you can create a own little kingdom in your home with just a few…
