Cat keeping

You would like to offer a cat a new home? Here you can find out whether a cat is right for you and what you should look out for when buying one. In addition, we give you all the important information about keeping a cat as well as useful tips to help your new flatmate settle in well and make a great team.

Katze anschaffen

Keeping a cat alone: Yes or no?

Would you like to keep a cat or do you already have a house cat and are asking yourself whether it needs a companion? Here you will find all the information you need about single cats and keeping your cat alone.


Female cat or male cat: What suits me?

Female cat or male cat – you are unsure which suits you better? We explain what distinguishes female cats from male cats, tell you important characteristics and how you can distinguish between the genders.


Where can you buy a cat?

A faithful companion on four paws to cuddle and play with: Are you looking for a suitable housemate? We explain where you can find a suitable cat for you and how you can recognise reputable providers.
